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7 - 9 Novembar

8. Svetski Kongres Istanbul

U saradnji sa Srpskom asocijacijom za estetsku i regenerativnu ginekologiju (SAARG) i Evropskom asocijacijom za estetsku i regenerativnu ginekologiju (ESAG), svi ginekolozi iz Srbije, Crne Gore, Bosne i Hercegovine i Makedonije dobijaju poseban popust za učešće na 8. Svetskom kongresu ESAG-a, koji će se održati od 7. do 9. novembra 2024. godine u Istanbulu, Turska.


saarg logo

The Association for Aesthetic and Regenerative Gynecology was founded with the aim of promoting it as a new, equal branch of gynecology that will introduce new, scientifically based protocols and methods of treatment in this area, as well as the education of doctors and other health personnel.

About the founder and president of SAARG

Ass. dr Ivana Kalezić Vuković

dr. Ivana Kalezić Vuković is a renowned gynecologist and obstetrician, with a master's degree in urogynecology and specialization in gynecological oncology, currently employed as a clinical assistant at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade.

He is the founder and president of the Association for Aesthetic and Regenerative Gynecology of Serbia (SAARG) and a senior member of the European Association for Aesthetic Gynecology (ESAG).

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